CPOC Online

Portugal 'O' Meeting 2009

XVII Troféu de Orientação do CPOC

General Information

Organization: CPOC - Clube Português de Orientação e Corrida / Câmara Municipal de Mora / Federação Portuguesa de Orientação
Event Director: António Rodrigues
Competition Director: Luís Santos
International Advisor (IOF): Carlos Monteiro
National Advisor (FPO): Alexandre Soares dos Reis


- W/M17 - born on 1992 or 1993
- W/M20 - born between 1989 and 1991
- W/M21Elite, W/M21A - born between 1975 and 1988
- W/M35 - born between 1970 and 1974
- W/M40 - born between 1965 and 1969
- W/M45 - born between 1960 and 1964
- W/M50 - born between 1955 and 1959
- W/M55 - born between 1950 and 1954
- W/M60 - born between 1945 and 1949
- W/M65 - born between 1940 and 1944
- W/M70 - born between 1935 and 1939
- W/M75 - born between 1930 and 1934
- W/M80 - born before 1930
*All maps will have on the back of the map D or H instead of W/M as it stands in Portuguese for Women / Men

Competition B - shorter and less difficult
- W/M Youngsters B - born on 1991 or after
- W/M21B - born between 1975 and 1988
- W/M Vet B - born between 1974 or before

Growing up
- W/M13 - born on 1996 or after
- W/M15 - born on 1994 or 1995

- OPT 1 (Short Easy) - planned for adult with children;
- OPT 2 (Short Difficult) - planned for those who like a good technical challenge but not running;
- OPT 3 (Long Easy) - planned for adult's introduction to orienteering or simply a nice sightseeing trip;
- OPT 4 (Long Difficult) - planned for those who like a good challenge not participating on a competition class.
The Open Classes can be done individually, in pairs or in groups.
All Classes have classification and the results and split times will be available at the end of each day's event in this website and final results a few hours after the Event Awards Ceremony.

Note: W - Female class; M - Male class

All classes will be given a start bib with safety pins. Any athlete not wearing the start bib will not be allowed to start. Bibs should be picked up at the Event Centre.

First aid and Physiotherapy
A team of Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão physiotherapy probationers, directed by physiotherapist José Esteves, will be available to provide small injuries treatments and preventive cares.
Additionaly, there will be an ambulance near the Finish.

Additional informations:
- POM bib number is mandatory. If the participant will not have on the start, he won't be allowed to start. If an athlete will loose his bib number, another one will be available on the event centre for 1 euro;
- No start time changes will be allowed on the event day on the competition classes;
- Car keys and bags can be stored at Event Centre;
- Time limit for each course: 3 hours in Long and Intermediate Distance and 2 hours in Middle Distance;
- There will be two pavilions available (for free) to all wishing to have a simple and cheap alternative - do not forget to bring your mattress and sleeping bag (Escola Secundária de Mora - Mora High School or Casa do Povo de Mora);
_ There will be possibilities to take showers after the events in 5 different everyday locations: ES Mora, Casa do Povo and Mora Swimming pool, all in Mora, Sports Pavillion in Cabeção and Multisport Facilities in Pavia.
- There will be no map hold at the end of the courses, so we hope all athletes will have fair-play, not showing their maps to other athletes that didn't start their courses;
- The event global results will be determined by the sum of the 4 main races points;


The SPORTident electronic punching system will be used in all classes. Competitors with their own SI-cards must give the number when registering. Other competitors must rent a SI-card.


Federação Portuguesa de Orientação (Portuguese Orienteering Federation) Câmara Municipal de Mora (Mora Municipality) Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão

Instituto do Desporto de Portugal SportZone Fluviário de Mora Vitalis

Azenhas da Seda Casas de Romaria Atari

Dualbrand Silva Tatonka

COC - Clube de Orientação do Centro Gafanhori Ori-Estarreja Alpro Soya